
In the Zamoyski Archives, kept in the Central Archives of Historical Records in Warsaw, there is a description of a journey from Kiev to Zamość made by Tomasz Zamoyski, the voivode of Kiev (born in 1594 – died in 1638). This document, written by the magnate, is a day-to-day itinerary from 4 to 21 November 1619. A short descriptive itinerary records of the towns or obstacles the travelers pass over (mainly rivers). Valuable – from a scientific perspective – is also the specification of the daily distance covered and measured in miles. In some cases, the report also contains mentions of the owners of the estates visited by the voivode and his retinue. Recalled handwritten data makes it possible to conduct a more in-depth investigation’ into the domestic mobility of Polish-Lithuanian political elites of the modern era. This article focuses on three main issues. Firstly, reconstructing the course of the analyzed travel route and comparing it with the main roads of the time in Kiev and Volhynia. Secondly, calculating how much, according to the itinerary, was one mile. Thirdly, determining the daily pace of travel of Tomasz Zamoyski's retinue. The last two issues will be compared with the previous research results of other researchers of the modern era.

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