
Non-collinear, multi-q spin textures can give rise to exotic, topologically protected spin structures such as skyrmions, but the reason for their formation over simple single-q structures is not well understood. While lattice frustration and the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction are known to produce non-collinear spin textures, the role of electron itinerancy in multi-q formation is much less studied. Here we investigated the non-collinear, helical spin structures in epitaxial films of the perovskite oxides SrFeO3 and CaFeO3 using magnetotransport and resonant soft x-ray magnetic diffraction. Metallic SrFeO3 exhibits features in its magnetoresistance that are consistent with its recently proposed multi-q structure. Additionally, the magnetic Bragg peak of SrFeO3 measured at the Fe L edge resonance energy asymmetrically broadens with decreasing temperature in its multi-q state. In contrast, insulating CaFeO3 has a symmetric scattering peak with an intensity 10x weaker than SrFeO3. Enhanced magnetic scattering at O K edge prepeak energies demonstrates the role of a negative charge transfer energy and the resulting oxygen ligand holes in the magnetic ordering of these ferrates. By measuring magnetic diffraction of CaFeO3/SrFeO3 superlattices with thick CaFeO3 layers, we find that the CaFeO3 helical ordering is coherent across 1 unit cell-thick SrFeO3 layers but not 6 unit cell-thick layers. We conclude that insulating CaFeO3 supports only a simple single-q helical structure in contrast to metallic SrFeO3 that hosts multi-q structures. Our results provide important insight into the role of electron itinerancy in the formation of multi-q spin structures.

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