
ABSTRACT This paper introduces iTEVAC, an advanced model of the Trusted Evacuation System (TEVAC), designed to optimize emergency evacuation procedures within commercial centers. Building upon the principles of TEVAC, iTEVAC incorporates additional features such as isolation, firefighting, and rescue intervention strategies to enhance the system's performance and efficiency. iTEVAC leverages the power of Fog computing and Internet of Things (IoT) devices to provide real-time guidance for individuals during emergencies. The system operates by executing alerts for isolated nodes and those unable to find an exit route, providing detailed guidance for nodes that need to move within the commercial center's network. A key advantage of iTEVAC is its decision-making speed, which is less than 1 second, crucial in high-stakes, time-sensitive situations. The iTEVAC model also addresses the limitations of older buildings, traditional markets, and crowded areas that often lack efficient and integrated evacuation systems. It allows users to rely not only on smart navigation guide panel but also on their smartphones to find the safest direction using local Wi-Fi and broadband cellular networks, supported by Fog computing. The iTEVAC model represents a significant advancement in emergency response strategies, contributing to the development of more effective and intelligent evacuation strategies.

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