
Electrostatic or magnetostatic problems involving complex heterogeneity are nontrivial for modeling and simulation. Most existing numerical methods focus on sharp interface models and the computational cost increases with increasing complexity of the geometry. Here we develop an iterative spectral method, the bound charge successive approximation algorithm, to solve electrostatic or magnetostatic heterogeneity problems in the context of diffuse-interface modeling. As tests and verifications, this algorithm is applied to calculation of the depolarization factor of an ellipsoid, and simulation of random dielectric mixtures and the dielectophoretic motion of multiple particles. The algorithm shows excellent efficiency and the computational cost mainly depends on the permittivity or permeability contrast in the whole system, regardless of the complexity of the geometry. In particular, for evolving heterostructures the solution of bound charge in one time step can be used as input for the next, which could further significantly shorten the iteration (approximation) process, making it practical to simulate the long-range electrostatic or magnetostatic interaction in complex and evolving heterostructures.

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