
The equation v = q + Mv, where M is a matrix with nonnegative elements and spectral radius less than one, arises in Markovian decision processes and input-output models. In this paper, we solve the equation using an iterative aggregation-disaggregation procedure that alternates between solving an aggregated problem and disaggregating the variables, one block at a time, in terms of the aggregate variables of the other blocks. The disaggregated variables are then used to guide the choice of weights in the subsequent aggregation. Computational experiments on randomly generated and inventory problems indicate that this algorithm is significantly faster than successive approximations when the spectral radius of M is near one, and is slower in unstructured problems with spectral radii in the neighborhood of 0.8. The algorithm appears promising for large structured problems, where it can often reduce computational time and main memory storage requirements and offer greater robustness to initial values.

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