
The Remote Handling tasks scheduled during the ITER maintenance shut-down require transportation of in-vessel components and remote-handling tools from the Vacuum Vessel (VV) ports to the Hot Cell Building (HCB). These components and tools will be moved using the Cask and Plug Remote Handling System (CPRHS).During plasma operations, plasma facing components will be highly activated by neutrons and/or contaminated with tritium. After plasma operations, activated dust will be removed from the VV but some amounts will remain. Therefore, the CPRHS may be contaminated by residual activated dust due to the transportation of these components between the VV and the HCB. As the CPRHS is not shielded, residual activated dust may lead to a residual dose rate around the CPRHS.To assess the risk of external exposition in case of human intervention for maintenance purpose inside or close to the CPRHS, dose rate estimations were performed around and inside the CPRHS for several initial dust configurations with the normalized value of 1 g of residual activated dust. The results of this study constitute a dosimetric data base and may support ITER Organization in the definition of a decontamination level and maintenance plan.

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