
Since the 31st of January 2008, ITER is a nuclear operator according to the article 7 of chapter II of the Decree of the 2nd of November 2007 which has follow the law “n° 2006-686 relative aux installations nucléaires de base et au contrôle, en matière de sûreté nucléaire, du transport de substances radioactives”, the so-called “Transparency Law, TSN law”: At this date ITER Organization has sent out the request for Authorization of Creation of the ITER Nuclear Basic Installation (INB), “Demande d’Autorisation de Création, DAC”. The licensing process of an INB follows the French regulation which is a mostly non prescriptive approach based on a continuous dialogue between the nuclear installation owner and the Nuclear Safety Authority, “Autorité de Sûreté Nucléaire, ASN”. This dialogue is based in particular on the writing and the analysis of more and more detailed safety documents, reflecting the progress in the definition and the construction of the project. Steps that will be followed in the licensing process from the present design phase to the dismantling are described in this paper.

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