
Based on the documents of the National Archives of India, including diplomatic correspondence of the Foreign Office, the Ministry of Colonies, minutes of meetings classified as "secret", this article reveals the features of the policy of Italy and Great Britain in the south of the Arabian Peninsula in the 20-30s of the XX century. The relevance of this article topic lies in the fact that even after 100 years, in the 20s of the XXIst century, Yemen remains as the object of interference by the external actors, rivalry and attempts to divide this country. The article examines the methods used by Italy and Great Britain to expand their influence in the Red Sea, in particular, attempts to win over the ruler of Asir al-Idrisi and the ruler of Northern Yemen Imam Yahya. It was revealed that Great Britain and Italy focused their efforts on unleashing the Saudi-Yemeni war, aiming to weaken Yemen and Hijazo-Nejd. At the same time, each of the parties hoped to strengthen their own influence in the Red Sea basin. The article shows that Italy had certain economic interests in Yemen. The use of Yemen as a market for Italian products, the profitable trade of the famous Yemeni coffee, the monopoly on the sale of petroleum products in Yemen and other trade advantages provided by Imam Yahya in return for Italian aid, allowed the Italians to receive some additional profits. The reorientation of Yemeni trade from Aden to Massawa would significantly reduce the role of the British colony and increase the importance of Italian colony Eritrea. As a result of the study, it is concluded that the rivalry in the south of the Arabian Peninsula between Great Britain and Italy, in which the ruler of Northern Yemen, Imam Yahya, saw the threat of a new enslavement of Yemen, largely contributed to the choice of isolation policy, which, on the one hand, helped to preserve the independence of the country, but, on the other hand, slowed down the economic and socio-political progress of Yemen.

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