
With Belt and Road, many occasions have been issued for most developing countries in Asia and Africa. And, China is been focusing on by different countries and people. Resent years, in order to catch the occasions of Belt and Road, oversea students, most of them from developing countries, are explosive growth in universities of China. IT is an important support technology and skill for modern society. It supplies a powerful support for advanced industries and businesses with Belt and Road yet. Computer is a compulsory and essential course for most students. The levels in computer technology for students from various nations are very different. How to take the computer courses for oversea students is a new challenge. In this paper, some new IT applications with Belt and Road and computer bilingual education for oversea students are discussed. In fact, without IT or computer supports, development of high-tech products is impossible, and no new economic growth points are nurtured successfully. As an essential skill training, computer education is very significant and useful.

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