
Abstract The introduction of Integrated Operations causes a demand for integrating process control systems with office systems. A secure and reliable connection between these systems enables considerable cost savings related to: Process OptimizationMaintenanceCollaborationRemote support Shell operates two oil fields on the Norwegian Continental Shelf; Draugen and Ormen Lange. Draugen is an established oilfield having been in operation since 1993. Ormen Lange is a new gas-field based on subsea installations remotely operated from an onshore process plant. In implementation of a technological basis for IT Architecture and Security supporting Integrated Operations, certain products and services are essential for achieving the ambitious expectations. The technological basis may be separated in three fundamental areas: Establishment of plant Security Policies, a management tool for establishing plant security.Design of a Plant Network, which will facilitate communication between the office and process control networks, and communication with other subsystem networks.Implementation of Remote Services, a solution for a secure connection between the Plant Network and the office network. IT security is a major issue when integrating office systems with process control systems. Corporate, national and international standards must be adhered to, and good technical and procedural solutions must be developed. The technological nature of the underlying process control systems must be addressed when an architecture for integration is created. Both Draugen and Ormen Lange have recently been designed to facilitate Integrated Operations according to Shell requirements, integrating information from various subsystems and making real-time data available in Shell's newly developed collaboration centre in Kristiansund, Norway. The collaboration centre will provide operational support to Draugen and Ormen Lange, and is part of a collaboration network in Shell Europe. Remote services are established enabling remote access towards vendor support centers, as the ABB remote operations rooms for Ormen Lang and Draugen.

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