
Prologue 1: Great, Another Book on America's Health Care System. Don't You Have Better Things to Do, Doctor ... Like Play Golf? 2: Health Care in America: The Best That Money Can Buy ... Oh, Really? 3: Insuring America's Health: A Lesson in MisManaged Care 4: The U.S. Pharmaceutical Industry: Providing the Right Pill for Whatever Ails You and the Wrong Pill for Whatever Doesn't 5: The Politics of American Medicine: Show Me the Money and I'll Show You the Problem 6: America's Hospitals: Havens of Mercy or Dens of Thieves? 7: America's Physicians: Oops, Sorry, I Mean Health Care Providers 8: Physician Reimbursement: You Can't Always Get What You Want, but if You Try Sometimes You Might Find You Don't Even Get What You Need 9: Pretty in Pink: The Influence of Women on America's Medical Manpower 10: The Medical Malpractice Crisis: How Many Lawyers Does It Take to Chase an Ambulance? 11: Crisis in America's Emergency Rooms: Take Two Aspirin and Call 911 in the Morning 12: The Great American Patient: You Didn't Really Think I Would Let You Off That Easily, Did You? 13: Solutions to the American Health Care Crisis: My Wife Has Always Accused Me of Being a Know-It-All, So Here's My Chance to Prove It Epilogue Acknowledgments Notes Index About the Author

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