
Summary It’s complicated! Oedipus in 2019 Freud has declared the Oedipus complex a shibboleth of psychoanalysis – Alfred Adler rejected the drive theory and Oedipus complex. The contemporary discourse on the Oedipus complex shows a wide range of theoretical approaches as the subject is still one of controversial discussions. In addition to the fascinating variety of theorizations the Oedipus complex is an instructive resource for my psychoanalytic practice which allows me to regard my patients with a differentiated view. A case report – of a girl of the Oedipal age – is discussed in relation to the Oedipal situation. Thereby the focus is on a theoretical proposal by Rhode-Dachser in which she integrates the heterogeneous aspects of the Oedipus complex. With its specification it is possible to reflexively counter the danger of a more or less involuntary reproduction of patriarchal omens.

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