
Residents play a pivotal role in the healthcare system. However, few tools have systematically revealed the dilemmas and challenges faced by residents. This study aimed to develop a checklist for professionalism dilemmas based on a behavior-based professionalism framework and to examine the range and proportion of professionalism dilemmas heard of, witnessed, or experienced by Chinese residents. Mixed methods were used, comprising qualitative (document analysis and focus group interviews) and quantitative (a small-scale questionnaire survey) data. Document analysis summarized professionalism dilemma items from previous publications. For focus group interviews, we used narrative inquiry to explore and make sense of residents' experiences and perceptions of professionalism dilemmas. A small-scale questionnaire survey was conducted during each focus group to investigate the proportion of professionalism dilemma items that residents reported to have heard of, witnessed, or experienced. Through document analysis and focus group interviews, we developed a checklist of professionalism dilemmas based on a behavior-based professionalism framework. The checklist included 58 items over four domains, with 10 sub-domains (compassion, respect, communication, collaboration, integrity, duty, pursuit of excellence, fair stewardship of health care resources, patient confidentiality, and informed consent). We also sought a preliminarily subjective impression by exploring the proportion of residents who have heard of, witnessed, and experienced each of the professionalism dilemma items and residents' perspectives when faced with professionalism dilemmas. Residents inevitably encounter or experience a diverse range of professionalism dilemmas. This checklist of professionalism dilemmas that was developed could prove to be a significant reference for targeted professionalism education, both for the resident as well as for faculty. It can also act as a helpful tool for improving hospital management guidelines and patient education.

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