
The purpose of the current review is to summarize findings from the most recent and impactful studies which investigated human and mouse adipose tissue transcriptomes at a single-cell level. We provide perspective about the potential importance of data derived from these single-cell technologies in improving our understanding of the adipose organ and metabolic disease and likely future directions of this approach. The majority of single-cell or single-nuclei studies of the adipose organ so far have focused on investigating the stromal-vascular fraction (SVF) of mouse subcutaneous and intraabdominal white and interscapular brown fat depots. Few studies have also evaluated the impact of additional factors as drivers of adipose phenotypes, such as high-fat diet-induced obesity, adolescence, aging, and cold exposure. Recent studies have also investigated human cell lines and human fat biopsies across a range of body mass index (BMI) and in response to insulin resistance or T2D. These studies have identified numerous previously unexplored subpopulations of adipocyte progenitors, immune cells, and mature adipocytes in both mice and men. Single-cell and single-nuclei technologies have brought an explosion of data that have advanced our understanding of the adipose organ in health and disease. However, we are still at the dawn of achieving a complete and comprehensive map of the mouse and human adipose organ. Multi-modal single-cell approaches to identify both anatomic localization of specific cellular populations and epigenetic mechanisms responsible for observed transcriptomic patterns are underway and will likely provide an even deeper understanding of the adipose organ in response to health and disease.

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