
Corporate Governance, Business plan and Strategy and it's alignment with IT investments has been a subject of discussion as early as 1990s. With productivity paradox and net present value (and other financial methods) of IT investments researched over a period of time, this paper is to put perspective for IT investment in present economic scenario with latest technologies and in digital world. With cloud computing infrastructure requiring all other IT governance principles and processes to be followed, IT investment demands investment more than only in hardware and software development, maintenance and support. IT investment and it's relation to corporate strategy, business risk management, information economics, new business enabler, productivity tool, control systems to deliver shareholder value and constantly create business value has emerged to new domain. Innovation, it's relation to technology, technological innovations and their relation to competitive advantage for an organization has created new areas that demand investment. With competition in business environment and integrated global economy, regulators demand more compliant business processes delivered through modern technological infrastructure. Having investigated the financial, non-financial, economic, tangible and non-tangible benefits of IT investment, this paper provides the new perspective to assess IT investments and make IT investment decision. This papers provides new perspectives and approaches for IT investment portfolio management.

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