
Aims: This research was conducted to find out the development of IT research articles in the public sector published in international journals from 2011 to 2020, to find out the collaboration map between researchers, to be input and direction for further researchers in determining the research study topic.
 Study Design: This research is a literature study using the bibliometrics analysis method.
 Place and Duration of Study: The Google Schoolar Database, period 2011 to 2020.
 Methodology: In the initial search, 976 journals were found. The following selection searched for journal articles that specifically discuss IT in the public sector; as many as 140 journals were found.
 Results: In the initial search, 976 journals were found. The following selection searched for journal articles that specifically discuss IT in the public sector; as many as 140 journals were found. Based on research on the growth of IT research articles in the public sector in 2011-2020, an average of 14% or a total of 14 articles per year. The trend of research tends to decrease, and the authors of these articles come from developed countries, while from developing countries such as Indonesia, there are still few. 
 Conclusion: Based on research on the growth of IT research articles in the public sector in 2011-2020, an average of 14% or a total of 14 articles per year. The trend of research tends to decrease, and the authors of these articles come from developed countries, while from developing countries such as Indonesia, there are still few. The topic of further research development can be focused on improving public services for developing countries, such as agriculture, e-health, e-democracy, government initiatives and etcetra.

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