
boom of Innovation and research marks this century. But the major questions that arise are: Is it sustainable? Is it conducive to the mother earth? Very late human being realized, in his quest for easy life, comfortable life, and greed for achievement that he has actually made the parable of The Goose with the Golden Eggs, come true. Human being in the race of advancement has dug its own grave. This study investigates the speed with which religious activities are polluting the water bodies and destroying the rich biodiversity. A survey between 2010 and 2013 was conducted which highlights the destruction of environment that is going on which has ruined the ecological balance and is heading towards destruction of biodiversity. study, in the backdrop of floods at Kedarnath, Mumbai and Nagpur area, highlights what can be done to save humanity and the rich biodiversity of India. key finding is that there is an urgent need to take steps to prevent religious and tourist places from mass tourism. Another, major step to be taken is restricting people from immersing idols and dumping of the wastes in the water bodies or man will be an extinct animal from this globe. ray of hope is to take steps to prevent negative footsteps of human kind to prevent disasters. IT companies can play major role in conserving Biodiversity by promoting eco friendly idols and giving simulated experience to religious events.

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