
본 연구는 아시아의 개발도상국가인 캄보디아의 열악한 교육 문제를 해결하기 위한 근간으로서 초등교육 환경과 교사 쟁점을 분석하고 제 발전 방향을 탐색하는데 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 캄보디아의 초등교육 환경과 그 특성은 무엇인지 분석하고, 교육 개혁을 이끄는 주체로서 ‘교사’에 주목하면서 캄보디아 초등교사 양성 제도 및 교사의 자격 수준의 제 실태를 고찰하였다. 그 결과 캄보디아 초등교육 환경 특성과 쟁점에서는 여전히 열악한 교육 여건과 질적으로 낮은 교육접근성 문제를 파악하였고, 교사의 낮은 역량 및 교육의 질 저하, 그리고 초등교사의 현직 연수 시스템 취약 문제를 분석하였다. 그리하여 교육의 질을 향상시키기 위한 다양한 방향 탐색이 제안되었다.This study seeks to examine current status and issues on primary education environment and teachers in Cambodia, a country that has a poor education environment and low educational achievement I analysed the features and limitation of education. Major findings revealed the primary school students’ low accessibility on education and poor competencies and qualification of primary school teachers, which have hindered a quality of education in Cambodia. Central implications were produced to improve the quality of education and training system for primary school teachers. First, sustainability should be embedded from the initial design to the performance evaluation of the projects. Second, we should carry forward a customized training project that can meet the needs of primary school teachers in Cambodia. Third, the Education ODA project should be institutionalized into the national mechanism of the credit accreditation system, including the incentives of participating. Fourth, in-service training should ensure the inclusiveness and accessibility for the disadvantaged in remote areas. Fifth, short-term workshops for teachers should be avoided, but intensive programs including mentoring should be expanded. Finally, we should support the establishment of autonomous teacher- learning communities based on school level across the Cambodia, which could establish the social capital of the teaching profession in a long term.

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