
Legal culture cannot be considered in isolation from the general development of society and the state. Following the rules of legal culture in the modern world is one of the main indicators of the well-being of the state, society and citizens. The level of development of legal culture depends on many factors. Among them, it is necessary to highlight the specifics of the processes of statebuilding, the nature of the political regime, the peculiarities of the relationship of political power with religious institutions, the attitude to private property, priorities in state policy, respect for the rights and freedoms of citizens, etc. All these factors influence the level of political culture in modern Russia. The article attempts to determine the state of the legal culture of modern Russian society, to trace the evolution of factors that determine its specifics. Attention is focused on institutional and mental problems in the development of the legal culture of Russian society, the possibilities of raising the level of legal consciousness of citizens are considered. As a conclusion, it is noted that legal culture is a historical phenomenon and its formation requires a long period. The content of the process of its development consists in purposeful work to overcome legal nihilism, which has deep roots in Russia. It is also noted that without restoring public confidence in the government and its bodies, compliance with the law by the state, ensuring proper conditions for the execution of laws, respect for the rights and freedoms of citizens, it is impossible to raise the level of legal awareness and achieve compliance with the requirements of legal culture.

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