
当代中国哲学形态的建构可在以下三个问题上作出努力:为不同的社会人群提供 可供选择的多元价值目标;重构中国人的价值秩序;为当代中国人的伦理行为与法律 制度提供新的人性论基础。中、西、马哲学必须突破学科分割局面,以当代中国社会 现实及其发展趋势为自己的共同思考平台,动用各自的思想资源,构建符合当代中国 人需要、并能指导其实践的人生哲学和当代中国发展需要的社会哲学。 关键词: 当代中国哲学形态建构 多元价值目标 价值秩序 人性论基础 Efforts are needed in the following three aspects in configuring contemporary Chinese philosophy: providing various value goals for various social groups; re‐constructing the value objective for the Chinese; and providing new human nature foundation for contemporary Chinese ethical conduct and legal system. Chinese, Western and Marxist philosophies must break disciplinary segmentation and take the reality of Chinese society and its trends of development as their common platform of thinking. By using their respective intellectual resources, they should endeavor to build up a social philosophy that may satisfy the needs of Chinese people and China's development, and is able to provide guides to their life and practice.

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