
The need to take decisive measures against officials who undermine business is noted in the President’s Message of September 2, 2019. To date, the criminal legal protection of the interests of entrepreneurship still remains the most effective measure among other preventive measures. At the same time, the responsibility provided for by the criminal law for encroachments in the sphere of activity under consideration does not achieve the goals of punishment. Such common crimes as obstruction of legitimate business activities, raiding and others are one of the most difficult to prove offenses, due to the fact that the actions of the perpetrators are veiled under the legitimate nature of either the performance of their duties or civil transactions. In this regard, the author of the article gives a detailed criminological and criminal-legal characteristics of offenses that infringe on the rights and legitimate interests of business entities. Based on the analysis of statistical data, judicial and investigative practice of consideration of criminal cases related to obstruction of entrepreneurial activity, the experience of foreign countries, a number of measures to improve legislation are proposed. The results obtained can be useful in rule-making activities and updating theoretical approaches to criminal law protection of the rights and interests of entrepreneurs.

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