
The purpose of this study is to analyze issues of extremism. The analysis of theoretical basis of system optimization of criminal law and criminological measures aimed at extremism prevention, as well as development of specific proposals and recommendations for improvement of legislation in the field of this criminal phenomenon is given. The study addresses the issues of phenomenology and trends in criminal religious extremism. A system and structural analysis of criminological properties and features of criminal law characteristics of individual institutional and extra-institutional forms of religious extremism is carried out. The study involved formal legal and historical legal methods. The study and the synthesis of theoretical materials are carried out. The novelty in the field of research is expressed, in particular, in such provisions as definition of the author’s concept of religious extremism and criminal religious extremism. The authors analyzed features of foreign legal models of fighting against religious extremism and its types. The author’s understanding of criminological characteristics of public consciousness and trends in development of religious extremism in Russia is described. The specific personality traits of an extremist and factor complex of criminal religious extremism are described. Shortcomings of modern Russian legislation in countering religious extremism are revealed. Besides, they described and substantiated proposals for improvement of current legislation governing liability for crimes; areas for improving criminal law and special criminological measures to combat religious extremism are identified; a set of specific changes and additions to the legislation of the Russian Federation is proposed.

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