
The subject of this article is the analysis of the theory of direct action, the study of the experience of foreign countries, the study of the principles and practice of direct action of the Constitution in Uzbekistan, as well as their impact on the legal system and society. The purpose of this exploring is a comprehensive analysis of the principles of direct application of the Constitution in Uzbekistan, including historical development, judicial practice, and comparative analysis with other jurisdictions. Research methods: analysis of the theory of direct effect to explore the development of constitutional law in Uzbekistan, comparative legal method to analyze similarities and differences with other countries, cases for detailed analysis of specific court cases. Research results: based on the analysis, problems were identified in defining the theory of direct action and ineffective law enforcement. Scientific novelty: The study will provide a unique analysis of modern constitutional practice in Uzbekistan, especially in the context of the direct effect of the Constitution, and its comparison with international practices. Practical significance: The results may be useful for lawyers, legislators and researchers in the field of constitutional law, as well as contribute to improving law enforcement and legislative development in Uzbekistan conclusions At the end of the article, the main conclusions will be presented, emphasizing the importance of the direct effect of the Constitution in the legal system of Uzbekistan and proposals for further strengthening of constitutional principles.

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