
The article is devoted to the issues of developing the information support system of innovative enterprises based on modern digital platforms. The relevance of effective development of the economy of the current era and its various fields with the application of digital innovations and high technologies has been shown. The importance of improving the information support system of innovation enterprises, its architectural-technological structure model based on Industry 4.0 technologies, and other modern platforms is substantiated. At the same time, directions for improving the information support of enterprise management activities based on the Open Group Architecture Framework, its main blocks, and elements are also given. The main content and elements of the enterprise architecture are defined. The directions for the formation of the concept of the effective architecture of the enterprise have been determined. A conceptual structural model of the information support system of innovative enterprises based on modern platforms has been proposed. The interconnected levels of the Open Group Architecture structure are shown. Based on the Information Management Technical Architecture Platform, the concept of Information Systems Architecture was developed and its advantages were determined. Taking into account the components of the Industry 4.0 platform, relevant proposals and recommendations for the modernization of the information support system of innovative enterprises have been developed.

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