
Though the Imperial Edict of Gülhane, which is regarded as the real beginning of modernization in the Ottoman Empire, does not contain any direct article on education, Tanzimat (Reorganization of the Ottoman Empire) and the process following it directly affected the education system in the country. The boards formed and the regulations issued in that period were of great importance. Maarif-i Umumiye Nizamnamesi (Statute on General Education) prepared by 7-person committee led by the Minister of Education Saffet Pasha under the influence of the French education system and published on the 1st of September 1869 is a comprehensive text regulating education. This statute, which consists of 198 articles, involves teacher training and placement, determination of school stages, principles about inspection and assessment, educational administration, right to education, training allowances, provincial organization, testing system, and so on. Coeducation was not a problem in the Ottoman Empire because girls were allowed to receive only primary education. With the 15th article of the Statute on General Education, coeducation was prohibited. However, some documents in the state archives prove that some schools and practices disobeyed this ban. That indicates that not every law introduced was enforced across the country. This may have been because decisions were implemented differently in different cities or regions due to the non-equality of conditions.


  • The Imperial Edict of Gülhane, which is regarded as the real beginning of modernization in the Ottoman Empire, does not contain any direct article on education

  • The Statute on General Education dated the 1st of September 1869 prepared under the leadership of Saffet Pasha who worked as the minister of education between 1867 and 1871 was a comprehensive text regulating education (Akyüz, 2015)

  • Tanzimat Fermanı, which is regarded as the real beginning of modernization in the Ottoman Empire, does not contain any direct article on education

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The Imperial Edict of Gülhane, which is regarded as the real beginning of modernization in the Ottoman Empire, does not contain any direct article on education. Abdülmecid I, who wanted the reforms set forth in Tanzimat Fermanı to be implemented in fields other than military, issued an edict in 1845 and stated that progress on the way to reform would be possible only if importance was attached to education. After this edict was issued, it was decided to form some boards under the names of Meclis-i Maarif-i Muvakkat (Temporary Board of Education) and Meclis-i İmariye (Board of Reconstruction) in Istanbul and some provincial areas so that reconstruction and improvement works would be performed (Kodaman, 1999)

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