
Background: As the first large numbers of female physicians complete their careers, information is needed to enable institutions and individuals to optimize the final career phase and transition to retirement of these women, as well as to help younger women physicians prepare for later phases of their careers. Materials and Methods: To identify the leading issues for older female physicians, a 34-item electronic questionnaire covering heath, finances, preparation for and attitudes about retirement, caretaking responsibilities, life-work integration, various aspects of discrimination and harassment, professional isolation, and work-related stress and burnout-incorporating standardized measures of career satisfaction was distributed through the Kansas Medical Society and nationally through the American Medical Association Senior Physicians Section newsletter to female physicians older than 60 years in 2018. A total of 155 physicians self-identified as eligible and completed at least half of the survey. Results: Respondents were 60-87 years of age, mean 70.4 (±6.4) years. The majority reported good health and being financially well prepared for retirement. Twenty percent were caretakers for grandchildren, parents, or spouses. Measures of career and job satisfaction were reasonably high, despite negative work environment and burnout scores. Problems with family/career balance, age- and gender-based discrimination and harassment, salary inequity, and professional isolation persisted throughout their careers, but diminished in frequency for senior women. Conclusions: Issues faced by younger women physicians do not disappear with age or seniority. To recruit and support female physicians, issues such as balancing family/work responsibilities, combating harassment and bias, and promoting healthy work environments must be addressed throughout their entire careers.

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