
Agriculture is the centerpiece of the Indian economy and the pivot of Indian life. Being the basis of economic life, the main source of employment and a means of earning foreign exchange, it would not be an exaggeration to call agriculture the foundation stone of the country. About 52 percent of the total labor force of the country is earning their livelihood from agriculture and agriculture related sectors. Therefore it would be fair to say that the development and prosperity of the country depends on the growth, prosperity and productivity of agriculture. The development and prosperity of agriculture is dependent on the increase in agricultural production as well as getting a fair price for the produce produced. Significantly, most of the small farmers of the country are trapped in the vicious cycle of poverty. Due to poverty and debt, farmers are forced to sell their produce to middlemen at low prices. To free the farmers from the trap of these middlemen and to improve the marketing system, the government has taken important steps like expansion of controlled mandis, grading and effect of agricultural products, arrangement of go-downs, market promotion and price information. Management of cooperative marketing system. Steps have been taken. Establishment of National Agricultural Marketing Institute is also an important step in this direction. The institute is playing a vital role in agricultural development by providing specialized education, training and research services in agricultural marketing. Due to the high development rates of the industrial and service sectors, agriculture's economic contribution to India's economy has decreased to less than 15%, but the sector's significance to the country's social and economic structure goes much beyond this metric. First, the rural economy provides income for approximately three-quarters of Indian households. Second, rural areas are home to the majority of India's impoverished (770 million people, or around 70%). Third, to fulfil the demands of a growing population with rising incomes, India's food security depends on the production of cereal crops as well as the production of fruits, vegetables, and milk. This will require a faster emergence of a productive, competitive, diverse, and sustainable agriculture industry.

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