
Upper left: Some of the red blood cells (RBCs) in the liver of metamorphic Xenopus laevis express both larval globin (magenta) and the proliferation marker PCNA (green), indicating that larval type cells as well as adult ones (not shown) proliferate during metamorphosis in this species (see Yamaguchi et al. issue 8, pp. 420‐432).Upper middle: in vitro reconstruction of nuclei using Xenopus laevis sperm chromatin and X. laevis (left) or X. tropicalis (right) egg extract. Note that cytoplasmic factors influence the size of reconstructed nuclei consisting of chromatin DNA (magenta) and membrane (green) (see Heijo et al. pp. 501‐507).Upper right: Sox2‐ (green) and radial glia‐like cell marker GFAP‐ (magenta) immunoreactive cells around the lateral ventricle in the adult telencephalon of the newt Cynops pyrrhogaster. This study showed the proliferative and neurogenic zones as well as the fate of proliferated cells in the adult brain, providing a clue to clarify the significance of neurogenesis in adulthood (see Iwasa et al. pp. 474‐485).Middle left: Glucose is considered to act as one of the cryoprotectants in the Japanese tree frog (Hyla japonica) as indicated by a marked elevation of the type 2 glucose transporter (red) expression in the liver of the frozen frog (see Okada et al. pp. 486‐493).Lower left: Dynamic post‐translational modifications of histone H3 during early Xenopus development (see Zhou et al. pp. 508‐516).Lower right: Neurospheres generated from spinal cord cells of the newt Pleurodeles waltl (upper left) expressed the radial glia‐like cell marker GFAP (red) and the neural stem cell marker Nestin (green; weakly) (upper right); or the neural stem cell marker Vimentin (green) and the proliferation marker phospho‐histone H3 (red) (lower left). Cells in the neurosphere differentiated into beta‐III tubulin‐positive neurons (green) and GFAP‐positive astrocytes (magenta) (lower right) (see Seki‐Omura et al. pp. 494‐500). image

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