
The International Space Station's (ISS's) Fluids and Combustion Facility (FCF) is in the process of final design and development activities to accommodate a wide range of experiments in the fields of combustion science and fluid physics. The FCF is being designed to provide potential experiments with well defined interfaces that can meet the experimenters requirements, provide the flexibility for on-orbit reconfiguration, and provide the maximum capability within the ISS resources and constraints. As a multi-disciplined facility, the FCF supports various experiments and scientific objectives, which will be developed in the future and are not completely defined at this time. Since developing experiments to be performed within FCF is a continuous process throughout the FCF's operational lifetime, each individual experiment must determine the best configuration of utilizing facility capabilities and resources with augmentation of specific experiment hardware. Configurations of potential experiments in the FCF has been on-going to better define the FCF interfaces and provide assurances that the FCF design will meet its design requirements. This paper provides a summary of ISS resources and FCF capabilities, which are available for potential ISS FCF users. Also, to better understand the utilization of the FCF a description of a various experiment layouts and associated operations in the FCF are provided.

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