
Click to increase image sizeClick to decrease image size Notes 1. IDF GHQ/Training Dept History, The Six-Day War—The Campaign in the Egyptian Theatre, December 1971, p. 83 (Hebrew). See also Yosi Goldstein, Eshkol, A Biography, Tel Aviv, 2003, pp. 539–540 (Hebrew). 2. CIA memorandum, 19 June 1967, NSF, Country File Middle East Crisis, Vol. 6, Box 109, LJL. On the evacuation of United Nations forces from Sinai see Mahmoud Riad, The Struggle for Peace in the Middle East, London, 1981, pp. 18–19. 3. CIA memorandum, 19 June 1967, NSF, Country File Middle East Crisis, Vol. 6, Box 109, LJL. 4. State Department memorandum, 19 May 1967, NND 969000, Box 1796, National Archives (hereafter NA). See also Michael Oren, Six Days of War: The Campaign that Changed the Face of the Middle East, Tel Aviv, 2004, pp. 93–95. 5. See CIA memorandum, 19 June 1967, NSF, Country File Middle East Crisis, Vol. 6, Box 109, LJL 6. See CIA memorandum, 19 June 1967, NSF, Country File Middle East Crisis, Vol. 6, Box 109, LJL 7. Moshe Shai, ‘The Chief-of-Staff: One Punitive Operation was Insufficient for the Syrians’, (no date) Division 15, Galili, File 1–2, Container 94, Hakibbutz Hame'uchad Archives, Yad Tabenkin, Ramat Efal. 8. State Department memorandum, 18 May 1967, NND 969000, Box 2490, NA. 9. State Department memorandum, 23 May 1967, FRUS 1964–1968, Vol. XIX. 10. Discussion in the General Headquarters and government meeting, 23 May 1967, in Yemima Rosental, Yitzhak Rabin, Prime Minister of Israel, 1974–1977, 1992–2005, Israel State Archives Publications, Jerusalem, pp. 456–457. 11. Oren, Six Days, p. 116. 12. Report from the United States Embassy in Israel to the State Department, 23 May 1967, NND 969000, Box 1795, NA. The following is the exact wording of the British proposal: ‘We propose to study urgently, in consultation with the Americans, the question of action, in collaboration with other maritime countries concerned with access to the Gulf of Aqaba.’ Report from the British Embassy in Israel to the British Foreign Office, 23 May 1967, Public Records Office (hereafter, PRO), FO 17/483, 58902. 13. Report from the United States Embassy in Israel to the State Department, 23 May 1967, NND 969000, Box 1795, NA. The following is the exact wording of the British proposal: ‘We propose to study urgently, in consultation with the Americans, the question of action, in collaboration with other maritime countries concerned with access to the Gulf of Aqaba.’ Report from the British Embassy in Israel to the British Foreign Office, 23 May 1967, Public Records Office (hereafter, PRO), FO 17/483, 58902 14. See the chief-of-staff's statements, Yitzhak Rabin in the government session of 23 May 1967, in Rosental, Rabin, pp. 457–458. 15. Abba Eban, Chapters in My Life, Tel Aviv, 1978, pp. 328–330 (Hebrew). 16. Report of the United States Embassy in France to the State Department, 23 May 1967, in State Department Files, The May–June Crisis 1967, Vol. I, p. 39–40. 17. Report from Israeli Embassy in France to Israeli Foreign Ministry, 24 May 1967, Hetz 4084/2, Israel State Archives (hereafter ISA). 18. Abba Eban, An Autobiography, New York, 1977, p. 337. 19. Report from the Israeli delegation in New York to the Foreign Ministry, 2 May 1967, Hetz 4078/7, ISA. See also the report from the Israeli Embassy in France to the Israeli Foreign Ministry, 27 May 1967, Hetz 4084/2, ISA. 20. Report from the Israeli Embassy in France to the Israeli Foreign Ministry, 3 June 1967, Hetz 5937/30, ISA. 21. Report from the Israeli Embassy in France to the Israeli Foreign Ministry, 3 June 1967, Hetz 5937/30, ISA 22. Report from the Israeli Embassy in France to the Israeli Foreign Ministry, 3 June 1967, Hetz 5937/30, ISA 23. Report from the Israeli Embassy in Britain to the Israeli Foreign Ministry, 23 and 24 May 1967, File 7920/1 A, ISA. See also British Foreign Ministry memo, Eban–Wilson Conversation, 24 May 1967, PRO CO 17/483, 58902. 24. Report from the Israeli Embassy in Britain to the Israeli Foreign Ministry, 23 and 24 May 1967, File 7920/1 A, ISA. See also British Foreign Ministry memo, Eban–Wilson Conversation, 24 May 1967, PRO CO 17/483, 58902 25. Report from the Israeli Embassy in Britain to the Israeli Foreign Ministry, 23 and 24 May 1967, File 7920/1 A, ISA. See also British Foreign Ministry memo, Eban–Wilson Conversation, 24 May 1967, PRO CO 17/483, 58902 26. Report from the Israeli Embassy in Britain to the Israeli Foreign Ministry, 23 and 24 May 1967, File 7920/1 A, ISA. See also British Foreign Ministry memo, Eban–Wilson Conversation, 24 May 1967, PRO CO 17/483, 58902

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