
AbstractThe year 2022 marked the year of yet another parliamentary election, the fifth in three years, resulting, after just one and a half years, in the return of Benjamin Netanyahu as Prime Minister and the formation of a right‐wing government. All along 2022, the centre‐left coalition government was struggling to hold its narrow majority in the Knesset, and in June, it had lost its majority completely, having only 59 members. This forced the Prime Minister, Bennet, together with Lapid, the alternate Prime Minister, to call for a new election, which was held on 1 November. The results of the election were decisive and an all‐right‐wing coalition was formed with a majority of 64 seats in the Knesset. The coalition members included the leading party, Likud, along with the orthodox religious parties and the ultra‐right‐wing religious parties. On the left wing, two of the parties, Meretz and Balad, did not pass the electoral threshold.

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