
The current climate change and pollution scenario has invariably increased the abiotic stress of salinity, heavy metals, and temperature on plants. Abiotic stress impacts the plant's defense system, impacting the crop's growth, yield, and productivity. The present investigation emphasised the antioxidant ability of Macrotyloma uniflorum under nickel stress which forms a major part of defense mechanism. It intricately evaluates the antioxidant activities of M. uniflorum with respect to different Nickel doses. The antioxidant defense system of plants includes enzymes including super oxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), peroxidase (POX), glutathione peroxidase (GPX), and dehyrdoascorbate reductase (DHAR). These enzymes act as scavengers to ameliorate the free radicals cellular metabolism produces. Therefore, the present study gives a comprehensive understanding of the antioxidant enzymatic system with special reference to the role of each enzyme in response to the abiotic stress, especially nickel. By studying the isozyme pattern of these enzymes, we can compute the antioxidant activities in a very detailed manner. Different concentrations of Ni in the range of 25 ppm to 125 ppm were taken to find the optimum concentration of Ni for its antioxidant activities. SOD1 isozyme was the most prominent one among all at 25 ppm. The intensity of GPX2 in the black variety is more prominent at 100 ppm as compared to the control. Thus, the results obtained could be easily used to evaluate the minimum concentration of Nickel for antioxidant.

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