
SUMMARYWe present semi-analytical and numerical results on isotropic radiation expected to be generated by seismic sources with damaged dilatant materials that sustain during failure an overall shear deformation. The results are derived for inclusions with different stiffness components, including those responsible for shear-volumetric coupling in dilatant material, and different geometries, in a surrounding elastic solid. The obtained relations indicate that the isotropic seismic potency and seismic moment components are proportional to the shear potency components multiplied by the aspect ratio between the thickness and length of the source zone. For a typical rupture zone with a thin tabular geometry, the expected small aspect ratio explains the general seismological observations of small isotropic radiation. However, isotropic radiation induced by dynamic dilation for short and thick sources is more pronounced and may reach for spherical sources sustaining shear deformation 18 per cent of the shear components. Sources that include also tensile components and explosions can produce larger isotropic radiation. The results provide rigorous relations that can be used to estimate different source properties in numerical simulations, experiments and field studies.

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