
Oxygen isotope exchange between minerals and water in systems far from chemical equilibrium is controlled largely by surface reactions such as dissolution-precipitation. In many cases, this behavior can be modeled adequately by a simple pseudo-first order rate model that accounts for changes in surface area of the solid. Previous modeling of high temperature isotope exchange data for carbonates, sulfates, and silicates indicated that within a given mineral group there appears to be a systematic relationship between rate and mineral chemistry. We tested this idea by conducting oxygen isotope exchange experiments in the systems, carbonate-H 2O and layer silicate-H 2O at 300 and 350°C, respectively. Witherite (BaCO 3), strontianite (SrCO 3) and calcite (CaCO 3) were reacted with pure H 2O for different lengths of time (271–1390 h) at 300°C and 100 bars. The layer silicates, chlorite, biotite and muscovite were reacted with H 2O for durations ranging from 132 to 3282 h at 350°C and 250 bars. A detailed survey of grain sizes and grain habits using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) indicated that grain regrowth occurred in all experiments to varying extents. Changes in the mean grain diameters were particularly significant in experiments involving withertite, strontianite and biotite. The variations in the extent of oxygen isotope exchange were measured as a function of time, and fit to a pseudo-first order rate model that accounted for the change in surface area of the solid during reaction. The isotopic rates (ln r) for the carbonate-H 2O system are −20.75 ± 0.44, −18.95 ± 0.62 and −18.51 ± 0.48 mol O m −2 s −1 for calcite, strontianite and witherite, respectively. The oxygen isotope exchange rates for layer silicate-H 2O systems are −23.99 ± 0.89, −23.14 ± 0.74 and −22.40 ± 0.66 mol O m −2 s −1 for muscovite, biotite and chlorite, respectively. The rates for the carbonate-H 2O systems increase in order from calcite to strontianite to witherite. This order clearly reflects the influence of the change in cation chemistry, i.e., Ba > Sr > Ca. A similar pattern is observed for the layer silicate-H 2O systems, where chlorite>biotite>muscovite. The link between cation chemistry and rate is more complicated in this case, but in general, the order follows a trend where Mg-Fe > K-Mg > K, with an associated increase in Si and Al, and decrease in hydroxyl. The isotopic-chemical relations suggest that oxygen isotope exchange behavior monitored experimentally in this study is the net result of bond-breaking and dissolution of the mineral, complex ion formation in solution and growth of the mineral, whose structure is controlled, in large part, by the lattice energy. We compared the rates against the electrostatic attractive lattice energies (neglecting the repulsive forces), normalized per number of cations. The correlations between rates and lattice energies are quite good for both mineral-H 2O systems. The increase in rates correlated with a decrease in the electrostatic attractive lattice energies, i.e., the greater the lattice energy required to break up the crystal, the more sluggish the rates for both chemical and isotopic exchange. By establishing an unambiguous relationship between rate, lattice energy, and ultimately temperature, we can begin to develop empirical equations useful in predicting rates of isotopic exchange for minerals for which experimental data are lacking.

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