
The lines λ340.5 nm, λ357.1 nm, and λ677.4 nm of the arc spectrum of palladium have been studied under high resolution by means of digital recording interferometry. The even-even shifts are claimed to be more accurate than previously published work; the relative shifts determined in λ357.1 nm are 102 Pd - 104 Pd, 1.03(2); 104 Pd - 106 Pd, 1.00; 106 Pd - 108 Pd, 1.02(1); 108 Pd - 110 Pd, 0.92(2); 104 Pd - 105 Pd, 0.23(1). An odd-even shift has been measured for the first time in this element, and shows appreciable staggering. The relative shift 102 Pd - 104 Pd has been found to be substantially greater than the values reported in the literature. Values of the change in the mean square radius of the nuclear charge distribution have been deduced from the measurements, all to an accuracy of Ŧ15% ; these are: 102 Pd - 104 Pd, 0.176 fm 2 ; 104 Pd - 106 Pd, 0.170 fm 2 ; 106 Pd - 108 Pd, 0.173 fm 2 ; 108 Pd - 110 Pd, 0.153 fm 2 .

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