
An analysis has been made of the reaction K − p → K (π N) in terms of the isospins of the t- channel ( K − → K ) exchange and of the (πN)-system. It is found that the dominant process is isoscalar exchange, which is identified with the diffractive dissociation of the proton. The (πN) mass spectrum corresponding to this process presents an asymmetric enhancement of very large width peaked at about 1.3 GeV, well below the mass of any established N ∗ isobar. The d σ/d t distribution is well-fitted in the t-range 0.0–0.2 GeV 2 by an exponential with slope parameter ≈ 7 GeV −2, the same as for elastic K −p scattering at the same energy. The diffractive K −p → K −( πN) + cross section is found to be (10 ± 2)% of the elastic K −p cross section, which is equal to the corresponding ratio found for πp interactions at 16 GeV/ c. A similar isospin analysis of the reactions K − p → K ∗(890) (π N) reveals an isoscalar exchange cross section in this case smaller than that for isovector exchange.

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