
ISOPERIMETRIC INEQUALITY AND AREA GROWTH OF SURFACES WITH BOUNDED MEAN CURVATURE MAY 2014 DECHANG CHEN Ph.D., UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST Directed by: Professor William H. Meeks III In this thesis, we give a lower bound on the areas of small geodesic balls in an immersed hypersurface M contained in a Riemannian manifold N . This lower bound depends only on an upper bound for the absolute mean curvature function of M , an upper bound of the absolute sectional curvature of N and a lower bound for the injectivity radius of N . As a consequence, we prove that if M is a noncompact complete surface of bounded absolute mean curvature in Riemannian manifold N with positive injectivity radius and bounded absolute sectional curvature, then the area of geodesic balls of M must grow at least linearly in terms of their radius. In particular, this result implies the classical result of Yau that a complete minimal hypersurface in R must have infinite area. We also attain partial results on the conjecture: If M is a compact immersed surface in hyperbolic 3-space H, and the absolute mean curvature function of M is bounded from above by 1, then Area(M) ≤ (Length(∂M)) 2 4π .

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