
In Chapter 10 we showed how a topological dynamical system \( (K;\varphi) \) gives rise to a measure-preserving system by choosing a \( \varphi \)-invariant measure on K. The existence of such a measure is guaranteed by the Krylov–Bogoljubov Theorem 10.2. In general there can be many invariant measures, and we also investigated how minimality of the topological system is reflected in properties of the associated measure-preserving system. It is now our aim to go in the other direction: starting from a given measure-preserving system we shall construct some topological system (sometimes called topological model) and an invariant measure so that the resulting measure-preserving system is isomorphic to the original one. By doing this, methods from the theory of topological dynamical system will be available, and we may gain further insights into measure-preserving systems. Thus, by switching back and forth between the measure theoretic and the topological situation, we can deepen our understanding of dynamical systems. In particular, this procedure will be carried out in Chapter 17

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