
Free radical-mediated oxidation of arachidonic acid leads to formation of iso-eicosanoids, such as isoprostaglandins, isolevuglandins, hydroperoxides, and other products that could function as markers and/or mediators of oxidative stress initiated by a hydroxyl radical. Much less has been known about modifications of arachidonic acid by reactive nitrogen radicals such as NO2, a major product of NO oxidation in vivo and a component of polluted air and smoke. We studied the reaction of NO2 with arachidonic acid to characterize lipid products and their biological activity and usefulness as markers of NO2 interaction with biological membranes.KeywordsArachidonic AcidGuanylate CyclaseReactive Nitrogen SpeciesNitrogen DioxideAqueous Model SystemThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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