
Using conserved amino acid sequences for the design of oligonucleotide primers, we isolated cDNA clones for two subunits of the V-ATPase from the midgut and Malpighian tubules of Aedes aegypti larvae. The 3.1 kb cDNA of the A subunit of the peripheral catalytic V1 sector codes for a protein of 68.6 kDa. The protein contains conserved motifs, including an ATP/GTP binding site, found in all other A subunits. Southern analysis using the A subunit as a probe suggests the presence of only a single copy of gene in the Aedes aegypti. The 0.85 kb cDNA of the c subunit of the membrane H+ conducting V0 sector codes for a protein of kDa. This protein has four transmembrane domains and contains a conserved glutamic acid that serves as the binding site for dicyclohexylcarbodiimide. Southern analysis using the c subunit as a probe suggests the presence of more than one related gene in the genome of Aedes aegypti. Pileup analysis of various A and c subunits shows that these subunits fall into distinct clusters, including one in which all arthropod proteins are clustered.

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