
Lipopolysaccharides of Salmonella minnesota rough mutants were treated with 20 mM acetate buffer pH 4.4 at 70 degrees C/3 h. After dialysis of the hydrolysates about one third of the total 3-deoxy-D-mannooctulosonic acid (dOclA) content but no neutral sugars were found in the dialysate. By high-voltage paper electrophoresis, a compound with the mobility of 1.2 relative to dOclA could be isolated from the dialysate. It was identified as a dOclA disaccharide by hydrolysis without or after reduction with sodium borohydride and by analysis with the thiobarbituric acid assay under different conditions. The ketosidic linkage in the disaccharide is assumed to be 2.4 or 2.5.

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