
Relevance. The use of antibiotics to treat infections of the reproductive tract in cows can cause bacterial resistance to antibiotics and endanger human health. Potentially, preparations from representatives of the lactic acid vaginal microflora (probiotics) can be used as a biological control to reduce the use of antibiotics in animal husbandry.However, the specific composition of the vaginal lactic acid microflora of healthy dry cows and its probiotic properties remain poorly documented.Methods. The species identification of catalase-negative gram-positive isolates of bacteria forming colonies on MRS agar isolated from utero-cervical mucus of healthy lactating cows was carried out in accordance with standard procedures using a culturedependent approach, biochemical tests and tests for sugar fermentation using API50 CHL strips (bioMеrieux, France). For testing for antagonistic activity by the method of delayed antagonism against test cultures of staphylococci and Escherichia, 14 isolates were selected in accordance with typing assigned to 5 species of the genus Lactobacillus.Results. The results obtained indicate that the utero-vaginal biocenosis of healthy lactating cows is represented by microorganisms of the Lactobacillaceae family, including lactic acid enterococci and bacteria of the Leuconostocaceae family. The presence of representatives of the genera Aerococcus, Peptostreptococcus and Gardnerella vaginalis was found in the composition of the vaginal biocenosis in cows without signs of pathology of the birth canal. According to the results obtained, the vaginal population of lactic acid bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus has low or medium antagonistic activity against test cultures of indicatory strains of staphylococci and Escherichia.


  • The species identification of catalase-negative gram-positive isolates of bacteria forming colonies on MRS agar isolated from utero-cervical mucus of healthy lactating cows was carried out in accordance with standard procedures using a culturedependent approach, biochemical tests and tests for sugar fermentation using API50 CHL strips

  • For testing for antagonistic activity by the method of delayed antagonism against test cultures of staphylococci and Escherichia, 14 isolates were selected in accordance with typing assigned to 5 species of the genus Lactobacillus

  • The results obtained indicate that the utero-vaginal biocenosis of healthy lactating cows is represented by microorganisms of the Lactobacillaceae family, including lactic acid enterococci and bacteria of the Leuconostocaceae family

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И., Малик Е.В., Маленкова Л.А., Русанов И.А., Гагаева Е.А. Ключевые слова: влагалищный микробиоценоз, корова, молочнокислые бактерии, селекция, идентификация Lactobacillus spp, антагонизм. Для цитирования: Малик Н.И., Малик Е.В., Маленкова Л.А., Русанов И.А., Гагаева Е.А. Идентификация и пробиотические свойства влагалищных изолятов молочнокислых бактерий здоровых сухостойных коров.

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