
Salmonella, a genus of the family Enterobacteriaceae with over 2450 species, has been responsible for diseases ranging from typhoidal salmonellosis to non- typhoidal salmonellosis. Several groups of antibiotics such as β-lactams, aminoglycosides, quinolones, cephalosporin and sulfonamides are used against Salmonella species. 27 Salmonella spp. were isolated out of 385samples from poultry carcasses, poultry products, and from poultry environment in 2019-2022. These Salmonella were identied to their exact source, and some were serogrouped, serotyped, and tested for antibiotic sensitivity. Food poultry samples tested included broilers poultry and poultry carcasses, poultry eggs, poultry water supply, poultry feed stuff, and also samples were collected from poultry organs (liver, kidney, intestine, ovaries) All specimens were collected and transfer to the food and water department at national health laboratoryfor isolation and identication of salmonella spp. Serogroups of the isolated organisms were done by API20E method then byserology test usingpolyvalent and monovalent antisera and nally conrmed by polymerase chain reaction.(PCR) which revealed 25 out of 27 isolates ofSalmonella spp.( 6.6%) The percentage of isolates were describe respectively as ows from poultry carcass13(.52%), from feed stuffs 3(12%), from poultry intestine 3(12.%). from poultry water supply 3(12%), from local eggs 2 (8%) and from broiler poultry1(4.0%) The conrmingorganisms revealedasS.enteritidis,S.typhimurim,S.arizona, s.pullorum,S.chlorasuis and S.paratypi(c)lastly the isolates of salmonella species was carried out against antibiotics sensitivity test 9 different types of standardantibiotic disc use against conforming isolateswhich were found sensitive to Ceftrixone , Cefotaxime, Kanamycin, and moderate sensitive to Ciprooxacin, Chloromphenicol, and Co-trimexazole while appear resistant to Erythromycin, Tetracycline, and Ampicillin Many Salmonella species had developed resistance to several antibiotics Some factors identied to contribute to the emergence and dissemination of antibiotic resistant- Salmonella include; miss-used of antibiotics, used of antibiotics in agriculture, unregulated sales of antibiotics, inappropriate prescription and dispensing practices, and poor hygiene practices (external or behavioral factors), A more radical approach and commitment from the policy makers in health sector to solving problems emanating from .increasing spread of resistant Salmonella in different antimicrobials. The purpose of this study was to isolate, and assess prevalence of Salmonella infection In poultry in Khartoum state from different poultry locations (farmers, broilers , factories) Matrial And Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted in the poultry carcass of different eight factories, broiler poultry, also from water supply and feed stuff of different poultry cultivation area and lastly from poultry products (liver, kidneys, intestine, ovaries, eggs)in sites of Khartoum state in Sudan to an isolate and identify the prevalence of Salmonella infection in different type of poultry and poultry environment (including feed stuff and water supply) buffer peptone water, tetrathionate and Rappaport vassiliadisbroth are use as preenrichment and selective media forisolation and identication for salmonella spp.organism isolates of microorganism will be done by serological test using Commercial antisera and biochemical test using APIE20, andnally conventional PCR method use as molecular conrmatory test Results: The results showed that the maximum number percentage of different Salmonella species was recovered and which obtained as ows respectively from raw and frozen poultry (49.8%), from feed stuff (16.6%), poultry organs (12.2%),water supply (9.9%), poultry products(6.6%), broiler poultry(3.3%) In additionally six species of Salmonella were obtained from this study, namely: Salmonella typhimurium. S.enteritidis, S. arizonae, S. pullorum, S. chlorasuis, and S. paratyphi©. Conclusion: Poultry can be one of the most important food but still zoonotic disease risks exist. Human Salmonellosis from contact with live poultry is a challenging, for health problem. Prevention requires an integrated one health approach including public health and animal health ofcials collaborating with feed store industry and healthcare providers, veterinarians, and backyard ock owners. To dissolving and eradicate the infection among population. Several factors such as misuse of antibiotics, use of antibiotics in agriculture, poor hygiene practices by hospitals and individuals, unregulated sales of antibiotics and genetic factors affecting potentially in infections and transmission of Salmonella organisms among community health and the efforts of collaboration with stockholder must be done to protect the public's health.

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