
This study was for searching for Cholera Bacteria serotype which causes epidemiology Cholera in the 2007 in a fast method which contains (Rapid Visual Test) (Crystal V.C.) which was used for the first time in Iraq to diagnosis of Cholera Bacteria & compared with the traditional bacteriology method. The Cholera disease is one of the most dangerous epidemiological diseases which lead to death with a percentage of (50 – 70) % in the severe cases for untreated patients . For this purpose, 100 samples of stool from the patients from a (13) hospitals in Baghdad Governorate in the period from August to the end of December. The Cholera was diagnosis in two methods, 1st method was the fast method using the nitrocellulose which is coated with anti-body of Cholera Bacteria .The results was compared with the 2nd method which depends on the cultural characteristics of the cultural media, also the bacteria was diagnosis using the biochemical inspects by the system of API 20E in addition to the using of antisera to specify serotype& sub-serotype ( Monovalent, Polyvalent(O1) . Also, the relation between the disease & the months in the year in which the disease appear was studied. The results show the ability to isolate & identifecate (78) isolate for the serotype (01) in the fast method ( Rapid Visual Test ) ( Crystal V-C ) , & after the bacteriology inspects on these (78) isolate the all isolates were belongs for Cholera Bacteria of the serotype (01) till the sub-serotype , all the (78) isolates were belongs to the sub-serotype (Inaba). The results show, the most infection was in September (36) , & October (22).


  • The results show the ability to isolate & identifecate (78) isolate for the serotype (01) in the fast method ( Rapid Visual Test ) ( Crystal V-C ), & after the bacteriology inspects on these (78) isolate the all isolates were belongs for Cholera Bacteria of the serotype (01) till the sub-serotype, all the (78) isolates were belongs to the sub-serotype (Inaba)

  • The results show, the most infection was in September (36), & October (22)

  • )1‬‬ ‫ٕٓلا ‪ٛ‬ش‪ٜ‬ر اٍ ٕتا اهلٖه‪ٜ‬را اهتل‪ ٙ‬ؼتةز طت‪ ٚ‬قطرُتا‬ ‫ااى ‪ 2007‬كتاٍ ستثثْ اهتٌِا ذؽتد اهٌاتو‪Inaba ٚ‬‬ ‫ًتَ تلرر‪ٛ‬تا اهلتٖه‪ٜ‬را ‪ٕٓ .‬تلا ً تاهف هلإتبتح اهاتاتقح‬ ‫اهرتتت‪ ٚ‬ؼتتتةشد تتتت‪ َٜ‬اماتتتٖاى ‪ ) 2004 – 1222‬اذ‬ ‫كاُد امصاتاخ ذاتلح هوٌِا ذؽد اهٌاو‪ogawa ٚ‬‬

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‫اظر‪ٛ‬تتد ٓتتلّ اهةراستتح هورؽتتر‪ ٙ‬اتتَ تلرر‪ٛ‬تتا اهلتتٖه‪ٜ‬را تاٌُامٔتتا اهٌاتتو‪ٜ‬ح اهٌاتتثثح هٖتتتا اهلتتٖه‪ٜ‬را اتتاى ‪)2007‬‬ ‫ٕتاهطر‪ٛ‬قتح اهاتر‪ٛ‬لح اهٌر تٌِح ‪ ) rapid visual test crystal V.C‬اهرت‪ ٚ‬استر ةًد مٕم ًترج طت‪ ٚ‬اهقطتر‬ َٜ‬‬ ‫ظٌع هٔلا اهغرض ‪ٌُٖ )100‬ذض تراز ًَ اهٌرضت٘ اهٌاتات‪ َٜ‬تتاهلٖه‪ٜ‬را ًتَ ‪ً )13‬ارشتى٘ طت‪ً ٚ‬ؽاط تح تغتةاد‬ ‫هوىررج ًات‪ َٜ‬تةا‪ٛ‬ح شٔر اب هِٔا‪ٛ‬ح شٔر كتاٍُٖ امٕم ‪ .‬اذ ش اتد اهثلرر‪ٛ‬تا تتاهطر‪ٛ‬قر‪ َٜ‬امٕهت٘ اهطر‪ٛ‬قتح اهاتر‪ٛ‬لح‬ ‫تٖاسطح اهغشا اهِا‪ٛ‬ررٕسو‪ٜ‬وٖز‪ ٙ‬اهٌشثع تامظااى اهٌ ادج هثلرر‪ٛ‬ا اهلٖه‪ٜ‬را ‪ً ٕ .‬قارُرٔا ًع ُرائط اهطر‪ٛ‬قتح اهصاُ‪ٜ‬تح‬

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