
Aceh’s local rice is one of the plasma nutfah’s wealth in Indonesia. However, the availability and awareness of the people in Aceh to utilize the quality seed of Aceh’s rice are still very low due to pathogenic fungi that infected the seeds. The objective of this study is to identify the type of pathogenic fungi that carried out by the seeds of Aceh’s rice. A Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of the four varieties local of Aceh was designed with the parameter including the present pathogens that attack the rice seed and germination. The four varieties Aceh’s seed namely: Sigupai variety (v1), Cantek maneh variety (v2), Cantek kuning variety (v3) dan Room kuning varietiy (v4). Data were analysed using ANOVA at 5% significant level and continued with the DMRT. The Results summarized that the Sigupai variety (v1) is the best low percentage of germination, approximately 45%, followed by room kuning (48.3%), maneh (56.7%), and cantek kuning (58.7%). These were caused by the pathogenic attacks which carried out in the form of Aspergilus sp and Fusarium sp.

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