
One of the interesting and environmentally friendly microbiology strategies and approaches to control the impact of microplastics is to approach bioremediation technology by harnessing the potential of microbes or indigenous bacteria (local bacteria). Dumai sea waters currently show a high enough of microplastic pollution which allows the potential of indigenous bacteria to adapt to a plastic environment. The purpose of this study is to isolate and identify indigenous bacteria to degrade plastics from the sea waters of Dumai and to know whether or not there is a difference in the number of bacteria found between stations in this study. This research was conducted in October-December 2020 with experimental methods at the Marine Microbiology Laboratory Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science Universitas Riau. Based on the results of the study, 12 bacterial isolates were isolated from the research stations. Isolates of these bacteria have diamaters ranging from 0.2-1.1 cm. Microplastic degradation test results by bacteria found that ISL 10 is an isolate that shows the highest PET degradation activity, which is 17.27% and the diameter of biofilm formation 0.8 cm. Based on biochemical and morphological tests, similar results were obtained that ISL 10 bacteria are a bacterium of the genus Bacillus. The most bacterial colonies were seen in statiun IV (TPI) with an average number of bacteria of 214.9 x 104 CFU/ml.


  • One of the interesting and environmentally friendly microbiology strategies and approaches to control the impact of microplastics is to approach bioremediation technology by harnessing the potential of microbes or indigenous bacteria

  • Dumai sea waters currently show a high enough of microplastic pollution which allows the potential of indigenous bacteria to adapt to a plastic environment

  • The purpose of this study is to isolate and identify indigenous bacteria to degrade plastics from the sea waters of Dumai and to know whether or not there is a difference in the number of bacteria found between stations in this study

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Isolation and Identification of Indigenous Plastic

Dumai merupakan salah satu daerah industri dan padat penduduk di Provinsi Riau. Selat Malaka (RJIPM, 2017). Uji Degradasi dan Pembentukan Biofilm Uji biodegradasi limbah mikroplastik dilakukan untuk melihat persentase pengurangan sampel plastik PET oleh bakteri pendegradasi yang terdiri dari beberapa tahapan, yaitu : 1. 7. Penentuan persentase degradasi sampel limbah plastik oleh bakteri indigenous dihitung menggunakan rumus: Sedangkan untuk uji pembentukan biofilm dilakukan selama 30 hari bersamaan dengan tahapan pada uji degradasi. Menurut Tyas et al (2018) perbedaan jumlah bakteri di suatu kawasan dapat disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor yaitu kondisi lingkungan seperti (salinitas, ph, suhu, kedalaman, kecepatan arus) maupun keberadaan bahan organik yang ada di daerah tersebut. Dari hasil pengamatan rata-rata jumlah bakteri tertinggi ditemukan pada stasiun IV, yaitu tempat pelelangan ikan yang padat akan serangkaian aktivitas antropogenik sehingga turut menyumbang nutrient tambahan bagi biota perairan disana, selain itu di stasiun IV ini juga masih banyak dijumpai beberapa jenis mangrove yang turut menyumbang bahan organik sebagai nutrient. Pada uji Methyl Red 6 isolat menunjukkan hasil positif dan 6 isolat lainnya menunjukkan hasil negatif, sementara pada uji sulfida semua isolat menunjukkan hasil negatif

Degradasi dan Pembentukan Biofilm
No Nama Isolat Berat awal Berat Akhir Hasil Pengurangan
Nama Isolat
Bioaktif dan Antioksidan dari Bulu
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