
The amounts of two growth inhibitors in diffusates from illuminatedhalves of phototropically stimulated oat (Avena sativa L.)coleoptile tips were larger than those from shaded halves. The less polarinhibitor was isolated from diffusates from oat coleoptile tips illuminatedwithblue light, and identified as uridine from 1H NMR spectrum. Thedistribution of endogenous uridine in diffusates from the illuminated andshadedsides of coleoptile tips unilaterally exposed to blue light for 3, causing a first positive phototropic curvature, and fromdark-control tips, was determined using a physicochemical assay. The uridineconcentration was significantly higher in the diffusates from the illuminatedside than in those from the shaded side and the dark-control. Uridine inhibitedthe growth of etiolated oat coleoptile tips at concentrations of 30 and above. These results suggest that uridine plays a role inthe phototropism of oat coleoptiles.

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