
Two phage λ recombinant DNA clones covering the entire sequence of an avian vitellogenin gene, plus flanking regions, have been isolated from an erythrocyte DNA gene library and characterized by R-loop and restriction mapping. The total length of this avian vitellogenin gene is 23 kb. The cloned sequences flanking the gene at the 5' and 3' end are 7 and 3 kb, respectively. The total length of exons in the two clones is 6.7 kb (vitellogenin mRNA is 6.6 kb). The gene is interrupted by at least 25 introns with a mean intron length of 940 bp. Some 6–10 additional very small introns may also be present but they were not observed reproducibly. The mean exon length is 250 bp. Restriction endonuclease digests of total liver genomic DNA and λ recombinant DNA were also analyzed by electrophoresis, Southern blotting and hybridization with cloned vitellogenin cDNA. The results show an identity of organisation of this vitellogenin in the DNA from the two sources, thus ruling out a possible cloning artifact. In contrast to Xenopus vitellogenin we have found no evidence to suggest that avian vitellogenin is encoded by a small family of related genes.

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