
Mammalian seminal plasma contains among others, two major families of proteins, namely spermadhesins and those proteins that contain fibronectin type II domains. Spermadhesins are the major proteins of boar and stallion seminal plasma and homologous proteins have been identified in the bull. These proteins appear to be involved in capacitation and sperm-egg interaction. In bovine seminal plasma, proteins containing fibronectin type II domains are the major proteins and are designated BSP proteins. These proteins play a role in sperm capacitation. In this study, we present the isolation and characterization of the major proteins of ram seminal plasma. Precipitated proteins from Suffolk ram seminal plasma were loaded onto a gelatin-Agarose column. The unadsorbed (fraction A) and retarded proteins (fraction B) were removed by washing the column with phosphate buffered-saline and the adsorbed proteins (fraction C) were eluted with 5 M urea. SDS-PAGE of fraction B indicated the presence of a 15.5 kDa protein, which is the major protein of ram seminal plasma (approximately 45% of total protein by weight) and was identified as a spermadhesin by N-terminal sequencing. SDS-PAGE analysis of fraction C revealed the presence of four proteins, which represented approximately 20% of total ram seminal plasma proteins by weight, and were identified as proteins of the BSP family and named RSP proteins. These RSP proteins were designated RSP-15 kDa, RSP-16 kDa, RSP-22 kDa, and RSP-24 kDa. Only RSP-15 kDa and -16 kDa proteins cross-reacted with antibodies against BSP proteins. Ram spermadhesin and RSP proteins interact with heparin but only RSP proteins bind to hen's egg yolk low-density lipoprotein. In conclusion, spermadhesin is the major protein of ram seminal plasma and other major proteins belong to the BSP protein family.

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