
Algicidal bacteria as part of the microbial populations in natural waters, is possible toinhibit the growth of algae or kill algae, dissolve algal cells in a direct or indirect way. In this study,four algicidal bacteria were isolated from cyanobacteria bloom water of Lake Dianchi, designated asDCJ-1, DCJ-2, DCJ-3, DCJ-4 respectively. The algicidal range and algicidal activity assay of the fouralgicidal bacteria showed that they have different algicidal range on the 10 tested algal species, whichstrain DCJ-2 has the best algicidal activity. The results indicated that bacterial strain DCJ-2 has highalgicidal activity against the Plectonema boryanum and exhibited algicidal activity through directattack. The lytic effect of strain DCJ-2 against Plectonema boryanum was time-dependent. It could be a potential bio-agent to control the blooms of cyanobacteria.

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